Kihyun Park
Innovative Educator of Online Classroom,
Pungsaeng Middle School,
South Korea
Kihyun Park is an innovative English teacher in charge of International Students Exchange program in Pungsaeng Middle School, South Korea, designated as ‘Innovation School’ where new educational & experimental programs have been implemented and he is leading it.
This year he works in the Office of Education of Gyeonggi-do (South Korean Government) as a committee member of the consulting board for International Exchange Project.
With the motto, ‘The World is My Classroom’, he has helped his students to be equipped with the good communicative competence, to raise awareness of different cultures, and to develop the global citizenship by connecting classrooms face-to-face in different manners.
He created and practising new models of the online class, which is revolutionary and work effectively, and through which his students are able to think out of the box to achieve the goals; Culture Sensitivity, Creativity, Communicative Skill, and Global Citizenship.
His class is open to any educators filled with challenging spirits. Park undertake the role as a changemaker in his classroom.
Park majored in Pedagogy and English education and he graduated from Hongik University.