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CITA International School, formerly known as Fidelity Preparatory Nursery and Primary School, began its journey in 1981 with a simple yet ambitious vision: to provide global-standard education in a nurturing environment. Over the years, CITA has evolved into a dynamic educational community dedicated to unlocking the potential of every child.

Originally a Nursery and Primary school, CITA has expanded to include a thriving Day and Boarding High School, catering to the diverse needs of students. With a legacy spanning over four decades, CITA has distinguished itself through its unwavering commitment to excellence in education and service.

“At CITA, our commitment to excellence drives everything we do,” says Roland Ebiye-Koripamo, Head of Centre and COO of CITA International School. “We believe in providing equal learning opportunities for all students, including those with Special Education Needs.”

Central to CITA’s philosophy is the belief that every child possesses unique talents and capabilities waiting to be nurtured. “Our goal is to create an environment where children can explore their passions and realize their full potential,” adds Ebiye-Koripamo.

At the heart of CITA’s success is its dedicated team of academic and non-academic staff. “We have a team of professionals who are committed to delivering a holistic learning experience,” notes Ebiye-Koripamo. “Our focus is not just on academic achievement but also on instilling values such as responsibility and a commitment to excellence.”

Currently, CITA operates across two campuses: the Rumuogba campus, which houses the Nursery, Primary, and Day High School, and the Igbo Etche campus, dedicated to boarding facilities. Both campuses are guided by the school’s motto, “Building on Sure Foundation,” emphasizing the importance of a strong educational grounding for future success.

“Our values of excellence and character are embedded in everything we do,” shares Ebiye-Koripamo. “They serve as the cornerstone of our Vision and Mission Statements, guiding our efforts to empower students to become responsible citizens and leaders of tomorrow.”

Nurturing Academic Excellence

CITA International School is an academic beacon, where students consistently excel in national and international exams. “Our students’ achievements in exams such as the Cambridge Checkpoint, the Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE), the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE), and the National Examination Council (NECO) reflect our unwavering commitment to academic excellence,” states Ebiye-Koripamo.

Over the years, CITA has maintained a commendable success rate in external exams, consistently securing As and Bs across various subjects, including English, Mathematics, Sciences, Arts, and Social Sciences. This stellar performance has paved the way for our students to gain admission into prestigious universities worldwide, where they excel academically and distinguish themselves in their respective fields. “Our hybrid curriculum, combining the Nigerian and British curriculum, sets us apart,” affirms Ebiye-Koripamo. “We deliver lessons using the Montessori method, fostering a dynamic learning environment that promotes critical thinking and problem-solving skills.”

In addition to academic rigor, CITA places a strong emphasis on holistic development through a diverse range of co-curricular activities. From sports to music, entrepreneurship to agriculture, and public speaking to cultural activities, students are encouraged to explore their interests and talents while nurturing independence and confidence. “At CITA, we believe in equipping students with the skills and determination to succeed at every stage of their educational journey,” shares Ebiye-Koripamo. “Our comprehensive approach to education ensures that every child emerges not only academically proficient but also well-rounded individuals prepared to face the challenges of the future.”

Empowering Students Through Vocational Training

CITA International School goes beyond the traditional academic curriculum to offer a wide range of vocational training initiatives aimed at empowering students with practical skills for real-world success. “Our commitment to holistic education extends to providing diverse vocational training opportunities,” explains Ebiye-Koripamo.

One such initiative is the Fashion Design program, where students engage in hands-on training sessions facilitated by industry experts like renowned designer Ade Bakare. “Our goal is to inspire creativity and innovation in our students,” says Ebiye-Koripamo.

The school’s DIY program equips students with the skills to create everyday household products such as bleach, liquid soap, air fresheners, hand sanitizers, and shoe polish using readily available materials. Additionally, students learn how to repurpose waste materials, turning single-use plastics into cobblestones, Styrofoam into glue, old tires into household furniture, and waste paper into papier-mâché sculptures.

“Our emphasis on sustainability and innovation drives our creative art program,” notes Ebiye-Koripamo. “Students learn to think critically and creatively, transforming waste into wealth while contributing to environmental conservation efforts.”

In addition to these initiatives, CITA offers vocational programs in farming, media literacy (including videography, editing, and radio broadcasting), and coding. These programs not only prepare students for potential careers but also foster essential skills such as problem-solving, collaboration, and communication.

“Our Pre-Career Attachment Programme (PAP) allows students to explore various career paths and gain practical experience in their chosen field,” adds Ebiye-Koripamo. “While the COVID-19 pandemic temporarily disrupted this program, we remain committed to helping students make informed career decisions through online career tests and guidance.”

At CITA International School, vocational training is not just about acquiring skills; it’s about empowering students to become lifelong learners and proactive contributors to society.

The Dedicated Faculty of CITA

At CITA International School, the faculty and staff are the cornerstone of the institution’s commitment to providing a safe, nurturing learning environment. “Our faculty and staff embody qualities of passion, innovation, empathy, and compassion,” affirms Ebiye-Koripamo. “These qualities are essential for creating a supportive atmosphere where students can thrive.”

Comprising university graduates with Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees, as well as postgraduate diplomas in education, the faculty at CITA is highly qualified and dedicated to excellence. Continuous professional development is a priority, with regular training sessions conducted by both local and international experts.

“We believe in investing in our faculty’s ongoing development to ensure they remain at the forefront of educational best practices,” states Ebiye-Koripamo. “For example, we’ve partnered with Scholastic Learning Zone in California to train our teachers in literacy applications, fostering a culture of reading among our students.”

Furthermore, training sessions on the Singapore Maths method have been instrumental in making mathematics more engaging and accessible to students. Refresher courses on Montessori teaching methods are also conducted regularly to enhance teaching effectiveness.

“In addition to academic training, our faculty undergo specialized training to support students with Special Education Needs and learning difficulties,” explains Ebiye-Koripamo. “These efforts not only improve our faculty’s work ethics and teaching methods but also contribute to better learning outcomes for our students.”

Creating Learning Spaces

CITA International School prides itself on its exceptional facilities, meticulously designed to enhance the learning experience for students. “Our facilities are integral to fostering a conducive learning environment where students can thrive,” emphasizes Ebiye-Koripamo.

The school’s state-of-the-art classrooms provide spacious and bright settings conducive to learning. Equipped with comfortable seating arrangements and the latest interactive projectors, these classrooms support dynamic and engaging teaching practices. “Our science labs are equipped with everything students need for hands-on experimentation,” notes Ebiye-Koripamo. “Safety is paramount, and students undergo comprehensive training in lab safety procedures.”

The library at CITA International School serves as a hub of knowledge and discovery, staffed by knowledgeable and friendly librarians. Here, students have access to a diverse range of resource materials to support their academic pursuits. In the computer lab, students hone their digital skills using the latest technology and software, with access to the internet and online resources to enrich their learning experience.

“Our music lab offers students a unique opportunity to explore their passion for music,” says Ebiye-Koripamo. “Equipped with a variety of musical instruments and staffed by experienced instructors, we provide a nurturing environment for musical growth.” The multipurpose hall serves as a versatile space for various activities, from sports events to performances and assemblies. With professional sound systems and projector screens, it accommodates a wide range of events seamlessly.

“At CITA, we prioritize physical fitness and sportsmanship,” adds Ebiye-Koripamo. “Our sports facilities, including basketball courts, football pitches, tennis courts, handball courts, and beach volleyball courts, cater to diverse interests and skill levels.” CITA International School’s commitment to providing top-notch facilities underscores its dedication to holistic education, ensuring that students have the resources they need to excel academically and beyond.

Fostering Well-Rounded Development

At CITA International School, students are encouraged to explore a diverse range of extracurricular activities, fostering holistic development beyond the classroom. “Our extracurricular programs are designed to provide students with opportunities for personal growth and enrichment,” explains Ebiye-Koripamo.

In addition to traditional sports and music activities, students can choose from a variety of clubs, including the Human Rights Club, Sustainable Development/Geographical Club, Press Club, Drama Club, JETs Club, Arts Club, Robotics and Programming Club, and the CITA High Parliament Club. “Our goal is to provide students with a platform to explore their interests and passions,” says Ebiye-Koripamo. “These clubs and activities promote leadership skills, teamwork, and civic engagement.”

Furthermore, CITA International School offers extracurricular activities such as taekwondo, karate, and ballet, catering to a wide range of interests and preferences among students. “As part of our commitment to community engagement, we organize outreach programs to support communities in need,” adds Ebiye-Koripamo. “This includes initiatives with IDP camps, orphanages, motherless baby homes, and support for widows in the local community.”

Through participation in events such as the Your World competition organized by the British Council Partner Schools Network, CITA students actively engage in raising awareness on important social and environmental issues. “Our students have created impactful videos addressing topics such as mental health, environmental conservation, and climate action,” notes Ebiye-Koripamo. “These initiatives empower students to become agents of positive change in their communities and beyond.”

Celebrating Excellence

Over the past decade, CITA International School has garnered widespread recognition for its outstanding achievements, marking a legacy of excellence and innovation in education. “In 2004, CITA made a significant impact in the Geneva Philately International Stamp Competition, securing the 3rd position with a stamp designed by ex-student Mr. Chinonso Chukwuogor,” recalls Ebiye-Koripamo. “This early success set the stage for a series of triumphs in subsequent years.”

Subsequent years witnessed a string of victories across national and international platforms, showcasing CITA’s academic prowess and creative talent. From winning the Indomie State and National Secondary School Competitions in 2005 to multiple recognitions in the Commonwealth Essay Competition, CITA consistently demonstrated its commitment to excellence.

“In 2014, CITA earned accreditation for the British Council International School Awards, becoming one of the four pioneer schools in Sub-Saharan Africa to achieve this honor,” states Ebiye-Koripamo. “This accreditation affirmed our dedication to global standards of education and student development.”

CITA’s commitment to promoting French language and culture was acknowledged by the West African Student Union Parliament, further enhancing its reputation for linguistic excellence. The school excelled in the Nigerian Association of French Teachers competitions, securing top positions in essay and drama categories from 2015 to 2019.

“In addition to academic accolades, CITA demonstrated its commitment to community engagement and environmental stewardship,” highlights Ebiye-Koripamo. “Participation in initiatives such as the Shell Environmental Conservation Clubs National Competition underscored our proactive approach to addressing real-world challenges.”

Furthermore, CITA’s success extended beyond academics to include artistic and athletic accomplishments. Victories in competitions such as the Lions Club Peace Poster Contest and the Shell Children’s Day Match Past and Dance Competitions showcased the school’s diverse talents and vibrant school spirit. As CITA International School celebrates over 40 years of excellence, it remains dedicated to nurturing the talents and potential of its students while continuing to set new benchmarks for educational achievement.

Embracing Diversity

At CITA International School, every child is valued and celebrated for their unique potential, fostering an inclusive learning environment that embraces diversity. “Our belief in the inherent value of every child drives our commitment to inclusivity,” explains Ebiye-Koripamo.

CITA prides itself on being an inclusive school, catering to both mainstream students and those with learning difficulties and special needs. Rather than segregating students, those with special needs are integrated into mainstream classrooms with the support of facilitators.

“While our students with special needs learn alongside their mainstream peers, they also receive specialized therapy sessions at our Sunshine Unit,” notes Ebiye-Koripamo. “Professional therapists develop Individual Education Programs tailored to each student’s unique needs, ensuring they receive the support necessary to thrive academically and socially.”

At CITA International School, socioeconomic background is not a barrier to education. Students from diverse economic backgrounds are welcomed and afforded equal opportunities to excel. “We foster a culture of respect and inclusivity among our students and staff, regardless of ethnicity, economic background, or position within the school,” emphasizes Ebiye-Koripamo. “Every staff member is valued for their contributions, and students are treated as individuals, not objects.”

Empowering Education through Technology

CITA International School places a strong emphasis on integrating technology into teaching and learning practices, enhancing the educational experience for students. “Our commitment to incorporating technology into education is driven by our desire to make learning more engaging and accessible,” explains Ebiye-Koripamo.

The school adopts a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy, encouraging students to use their own devices to supplement classroom learning. Audiovisual aids such as projectors, videos, and digital notebooks are seamlessly integrated into lessons, bringing subjects to life and catering to different learning styles.

“In addition to BYOD, we utilize a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) for the dissemination of results and virtual learning,” states Ebiye-Koripamo. “The implementation of the VLE was inspired by real-world challenges, such as the Iceland ash cloud incident, which disrupted travel and necessitated remote learning solutions.”

The VLE has proven invaluable during crises such as the Ebola and COVID-19 pandemics, facilitating remote learning and exam preparation with exceptional results. “Virtual learning tools have not only improved academic performance but also fostered collaborations with schools worldwide,” adds Ebiye-Koripamo, referring to the British Council International School Award accreditation program.

Recognizing that many students are visual learners, the integration of technology has led to a better understanding of concepts and improved academic outcomes. “Our goal is to equip Nigerian students to compete on a global scale,” affirms Ebiye-Koripamo. “To achieve this, we continually review and enhance our curriculum, teaching methods, and extracurricular activities.”

For More Info: https://www.citainternationalschool.org/web/


Roland Ebiye-Koripamo, Head of Centre and COO of CITA International School

Roland Ebiye-Koripamo has been a part of CITA since its inception. He became a part of CITA International School as a student. His roles have since been reversed as he currently serves as the Head of Centre and COO of CITA International School and has done so for the past 13 years. He Holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Engineering from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana as well as a Master of Science Degree in Databases and Web-based Systems from the University of Salford.

After his master’s programme at the University of Salford, he started his career as a Customer Service Adviser with the Royal Bank of Scotland Group (now Natwest Group). While in the UK, he was also the international Liaison and logistics officer for the school. He was offerred a permanent position as the Head of Centre with the High School as his base of operations on his return to Nigeria.

In his position as Head of Centre and COO, he operates in multiple capacities as project manager, facility manager, head of the ICT and e-learning department, digital marketing lead, Cambridge International Examination (CIE) coordinator and British Council International School Awards (ISA) Coordinator. He trains the staff and mentors the students

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