Naomi Hemesath-Harm, Women Leadership Strategist and STEM Innovation Specialist at Innovative Educator Consulting

Naomi is a published author, influential STEM leader, compassionate educator, and an innovator in the field of edtech for women in leadership roles. She is dedicated to incorporating STEAM-related creativity into her many K12 professional learning programs. She is eager to talk to k-12 educators and school administrators about her experience with brain-based instructional approaches that are bolstered by technological literacy best practices. Her current professional offerings include coaching and mentoring young women to enter STEAM-related careers, coding and robotics-themed activities, global engineering derbies, problem-solving student-centered design challenges, redesigning classroom learning spaces with the brain in mind, and maximizing creativity, communication, and collaboration with this new wave of AI in education. Her 25 years in the educational teaching and learning space reflect a passion-driven approach to leading and learning as a CUE STEM Educational Specialist, ISTE Faculty Instructional Coach, Google Certified Innovator, Woman in Leadership Coach and Mentor, CS for All Teacher Ambassador, Master LEGO Educator, Makey Makey Ambassador, Book Creator Ambassador and CEO and founder of her own Innovative Educator Consulting company.


Within the ever-changing world of primary and secondary education, the integration of artificial intelligence and Artificial intelligence (AI) tools is revolutionizing conventional teaching approaches and expanding possibilities for educators and students alike. This academic article explores the profound impact of cutting-edge tools such as ChatGPT,, Magic School AI, Ideogram AI, Magic Canva AI, and Goblin Tools on the teaching and learning experience.

As we delve into the depths of these innovative technologies, we uncover a plethora of new learning outcomes and discoveries, supported by key teaching and learning examples that showcase their potential to revolutionize education.

Enhanced Student Engagement: AI-powered tools like ChatGPT and Ideogram AI facilitate interactive and engaging learning experiences. Students can interact with virtual tutors, ask questions, and receive personalized feedback, fostering a more dynamic and participative educational environment.

Differentiated Learning for Diverse Abilities: Magic School AI and stands out in its ability to adapt content to suit varying learning abilities. Through personalized learning pathways, it tailors instructional content and personalized “SideKick” chatbots to meet the unique needs of individual students, ensuring a more inclusive and supportive learning environment.

Creative Lesson Planning: Magic Canva AI empowers educators to think outside the box when designing lesson plans and activities. The tool provides customizable templates and design suggestions, allowing teachers to infuse creativity into their teaching materials and captivate students’ attention, with more visualized learning and creative writing prompts.

Streamlined Administrative Tasks: Goblin Tools revolutionizes the administrative side of teaching, automating routine tasks such as grading and attendance tracking. This time-saving feature allows educators to focus more on personalized instruction and building meaningful connections with their students.

Improved Tech Literacy Skills: offers professional development opportunities for teachers to enhance their tech literacy skills. Educators can participate in workshops, webinars, and collaborative projects, ensuring they stay abreast of the latest technological advancements and integrate them seamlessly into their classrooms.

Proven Key Teaching and Learning Examples I Have Created and Used Personally

In my journey as a 25-year veteran educator, I have actively embraced innovative teaching and learning approaches, crafting proven key examples that have not only enhanced the educational teaching experience but also fostered a dynamic and engaging classroom learning environment. Leveraging cutting-edge technologies, I have incorporated ChatGPT, a powerful language model, to facilitate interactive discussions and provide personalized assistance to students. Additionally, platforms like and Magic School I have become integral parts of my teaching arsenal, offering curated resources, interactive lessons, and real-time feedback mechanisms through personalized content-driven “SideKick ” student conversational chatbots.

To amplify creativity, I have employed Goblin Tools to seamlessly integrate gamification elements into lessons, while supporting my streamlining of administrative tasks – all the while enhancing student motivation and participation. Moreover, the integration of Canva Magic AI has allowed me to effortlessly create visually stunning and customized materials, transforming the learning experience into a visually engaging journey. These teaching and learning examples, born from personal experience, represent a commitment to harnessing the potential of advanced technologies for the betterment of education.

Conversational Learning with ChatGPT: ChatGPT, with its natural language processing capabilities, enables students to engage in conversational learning. Whether through virtual discussions or interactive quizzes, the tool facilitates a more conversational and personalized learning experience.

Adaptive Learning Paths with Magic School AI: A student struggling with a particular concept can benefit from the adaptive learning paths provided by Magic School AI. The tool identifies areas of weakness and tailors the curriculum to strengthen those specific skills, ensuring no student is left behind.

Visual Storytelling with Magic Canva AI: Magic Canva AI empowers educators to incorporate visual storytelling into their lessons. Teachers can create visually appealing presentations, infographics, and interactive materials, enhancing students’ comprehension and retention of information.

Efficient Administrative Management with Goblin Tools: Goblin Tools simplifies administrative tasks, such as grading assignments and tracking attendance. This efficiency allows teachers to allocate more time to student-centered activities and fosters a more personalized approach to education.

In conclusion, the integration of AI tools in K-12 education marks a transformative era, offering enhanced engagement, personalized learning, and streamlined administrative processes. As educators embrace these tools, they not only cater to the diverse needs of students but also enrich their own teaching practices, making the classroom a hub of innovation and inspiration. As we look toward the future, the fusion of AI and education promises a landscape where every student, regardless of ability, can thrive and excel.


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