Daljeet Arora, Educator

As an educator, Daljeet believes teaching can do wonders in our lives. Teaching not only opens one’s mind, but it also brings prosperity and meaning to our lives as individuals. Teaching can remain with everyone for a lifetime. As a former media professional, she holds a degree in psychology and teaches English Lit in a Grade 1 school in Mumbai. She has also worked in an IB school for a few years. She loves volunteering with Universe of Simplified. She currently serves as a counselor to Grade 10 students.


Reading is essential for a young child. A growing child should be encouraged to read. However, this does not mean you hand over a lot of books to your child. In fact, you can try giving him books one grade above his current grade. Then what? Do you think that makes him a better reader? Then how would you help him become a better reader? What is better reader?

Does the reader have an interest in reading? Is he able to comprehend the text provided to him? Is he a fast reader? Is he able to highlight the important points in the text?

The best way for my son or daughter to be a better reader is to know reading strategies. On this platform, I will discuss what it takes for a child to learn to read, the best strategies you can use to make reading enjoyable and fun.

Getting interesting, age-appropriate texts is not difficult. We just need to search for age-appropriate books for children. The second step is to read through strategies. The use of a word strategy does not mean underlining difficult words or highlighting important information.

The first reading strategy we have learned to make your child a better reader is – Making Connections.We know that reading is most fun and most effective when we apply our experiences and knowledge to what we are reading. When I say experience, I mean that how did you connect to the text? I’m reading about bears, so I ask the child, Have you ever seen a bear? The child will immediately connect to the text and apply it, telling me about the bear at the zoo.

Next one is Visualizing. In Visualization the student draws a mental picture of what he has read.It is most effective as students enjoy drawing. In this exercise, the student creates a mental picture of what he has read.

Here’s an example. I have read a passage about a green giant. Students have to read it and try to visualize the giant. This technique makes it fun for students to read further. It is very effective as students enjoy drawing.

Asking questions is another way to make reading more engaging. When the reader asks questions, we know they are thinking. Their imagination and curiosity are still active. Examples – Where do the bears live? Why is the sky blue? Predicting can also be very interesting in allowing the reader to think, analyze the situation in the text. For example, by simply asking what is going to happen next? Will it be tortoise or hare?

By inferring or inferring, we are reading between the lines.This technique is very similar to predicting.In this strategy, the reader is reading between the lines. Let’s look at an example. What do you see on the cover page? What can you infer about the book? Can you tell what is the story?

Through these strategies, children can bring their prior knowledge to our understanding, make a mental picture of the language, predict what will happen, think to infer and analyze the information.

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