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In the world of education, where the thirst for knowledge has transcended generations, the fusion of cognitive science with teaching practices has become our guiding star. It’s not just about studying the mind; it’s about revolutionizing how we learn and teach. And in this ever-evolving landscape, Chartwell International School shines as a pioneer, leading the way for others to follow suit.

James Tucker, Principal of Chartwell International School, passionately asserts, “We must embrace change and explore the science behind how children truly learn.” Chartwell isn’t satisfied with just being the first school in Chile to fully embrace cognitive science in education. The school has raised the bar even higher by being the first international school to adopt the SEE learning program from Emory University.

SEE learning is not your typical curriculum; it’s a game-changer. SEE stands for Social, Emotional, and Ethical Learning, and it’s not just about textbooks and exams. It’s about empowering students with life skills that extend beyond the classroom. In today’s world, where well-being and social responsibility are paramount, SEE learning aligns perfectly with the needs of our time. At Chartwell, it’s not just a program; it’s a philosophy.

James Tucker, Principal of Chartwell International School

Nurturing Well-Being and Academic Excellence

“At Chartwell International School, our mission is twofold, with a steadfast commitment to nurturing healthy and happy people and fostering exceptional academic progress,” shares James. To attain outstanding academic progress, Chartwell International School leverages insights from cognitive science, emphasizing the importance of long-term memory retention.

“We understand that for students to excel in problem-solving and critical thinking, they must first acquire a strong foundation of facts and concepts,” adds James. The dedicated educators at Chartwell International School are cognizant of the fact that sole reliance on project-based learning falls short. Instead, they prioritize explicit instruction in the essential skills and knowledge, empowering students to surmount challenges and achieve success.

Charting the Course of Education

Chartwell International School, a proud member of the ‘Chartwell International School’ family, spans across two countries: Serbia and Chile. In 2017, a dream was realized as Chartwell’s preschool doors swung open, and by 2019, the Primary School welcomed eager learners. But Chartwell is more than just a school; it’s a nurturing space that believes in holistic education.

Their mission? To shape students into not just bright minds but also happy, healthy, and ethical individuals. James puts it beautifully, “Our teachers don’t just teach; they ‘see’ the students and understand their families, appreciating their unique perspectives.”

Chartwell thrives on diversity, with students hailing from 40 different countries. This melting pot isn’t just a badge of honor; it’s a daily reality where kids from various corners of the globe come together as a vibrant, tightly-knit family. James adds, “Our teaching team represents the world’s diversity, reflecting our commitment to instilling transcendent ethical values and helping kids build bridges to those with different viewpoints.”

The school’s team of English-speaking educators, including many native speakers, creates an immersive language environment. James states, “English is the gateway to global opportunities.” But it’s not just about fluency; it’s about embracing cultural nuances and exploring other languages. Spanish, French and even Japanese have found their place in Chartwell’s curriculum, ensuring a well-rounded linguistic journey. Moreover, technology and enrichment programs are enhancing students’ proficiency in their mother tongues.

Creating a Path to Academic Excellence

At Chartwell International School, excellence isn’t just a goal; it’s a way of life. The cornerstone of their academic prowess is the esteemed Cambridge International Curriculum, renowned for fostering skills like independent research, critical thinking, and subject mastery. James states, “We’ve steadfastly chosen the path of the Cambridge curriculum, resisting the allure of the Chilean Curriculum. We firmly believe in the international educational passport that Cambridge offers.”

This choice aligns perfectly with Chartwell’s mission of nurturing academic brilliance and holistic growth. Universities of global repute, from Harvard to MIT and the venerable University of Cambridge itself, recognize the comprehensive skill set and deep subject knowledge that this curriculum bestows upon students. James emphasizes, “Flexibility is key; the future is uncertain, and we envision a world where technology globalizes education. A-Levels enable our children to master a select few subjects while pursuing a wide range of enriching activities.” Furthermore, Chartwell International School aims to enhance the digital education of its students via the use of Chromebooks and digital resources very soon.

Nature’s Classroom: Chartwell’s Unique Oasis

Tucked away in the tranquil “Lo Curro” region of Chile, Chartwell International School is a haven of learning enveloped in lush greenery, far from the bustle of urban life. But what sets Chartwell apart isn’t just its picturesque location; it’s its innovative response to the COVID-19 pandemic. In the face of adversity, Chartwell transformed into South America’s first all-outdoor school. James explains, “We made headlines in a national newspaper with this unique approach. Children here can join our gardening club, where they sow seeds, nurture plants, and have fun amidst nature.”

Beyond academics, Chartwell offers several enrichment activities. From soccer to Japanese language classes, students have an array of opportunities to hone diverse skills and passions. Chartwell’s belief is simple: a well-rounded education breeds globally adaptable individuals. The school is committed to helping students unleash their potential by pursuing their passions.

One of Chartwell’s defining features is its small class sizes, averaging 15 students. It’s like a “home away from home,” fostering an intimate environment for personalized attention. Teachers can adapt their teaching to cater to each child’s unique needs, be it extra support or advanced challenges. It’s not just about teaching subjects; it’s about knowing the students, their families, and their aspirations.

Shaping Tomorrow’s Leaders with a Holistic Vision

Across the oceans in Serbia, Chartwell School has garnered global recognition, earning the distinction of being world-class, a recognition even bestowed by Her Majesty. What sets this school apart? It’s a closely-knit community where passionate teachers are committed to the highest educational standards. James highlights, “At Chartwell, common sense governs our approach. We foster a sense of togetherness, where children collaborate closely to achieve excellence.”

But it’s not just about academic achievement; it’s about nurturing well-rounded, resilient individuals equipped to tackle the challenges of a rapidly globalizing world. James says, “We take pride in molding tolerant and hardworking children, ready to navigate an interconnected world.”

Chartwell’s commitment to excellence extends to its innovative approach. Grounded in insights from cognitive science, the school employs research-backed methods to fully unleash each student’s potential. The introduction of the SEE Learning program from Emory University, focusing on social, emotional, and ethical learning, underscores the school’s forward-thinking stance. By prioritizing cognitive science and evidence-based practices, the school has paved the way for developing well-rounded and resilient individuals. Chartwell School is dedicated to remaining at the forefront of educational excellence, giving students the tools they need to thrive in a rapidly changing world.

For More Info: https://www.chartwell.cl/en/

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