Dr. Freedom Cheteni, Superintendent of Schools, The VR School and Editor in Chief, Superintendents Journal

Dr. Freedom Cheteni is an award-winning visionary in education technology, spearheading innovations like the first public school on a corporate campus and the world’s first VR school. As Editor in Chief of School Superintendents’ Journal, CEO of InventXR Education Foundation, and board member of leading institutions, he is a prominent voice shaping the future of education. Renowned for pioneering concepts like “Movement Thinking,” Dr. Freedom advises governments worldwide on readying youth for tomorrow’s jobs. His groundbreaking curriculum designs taught at Stanford University and beyond continue to transform education globally through initiatives like Research University.


In the dawn of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) era, education stands on the cusp of a transformative revolution, one that promises to redefine the very essence of learning and teaching. As we navigate this seismic shift, it is imperative that educational institutions and educators adapt, evolve, and embrace the burgeoning technologies such as Virtual Reality (VR) and AI expertise that are at the forefront of this change.

The current landscape of AI in education is vibrant and rapidly evolving. Innovative educators are already leveraging AI tools like ChatGPT to catalyze student learning, employing them in role-playing exercises to deepen understanding, crafting inclusive and relevant quizzes and lesson plans, and providing language support to non-English speaking students. These applications are not just enhancing learning outcomes but are also cultivating critical thinking skills, an essential competency in the AI age.

As we look ahead, initiatives like the Institute for Inclusive and Intelligent Technologies for Education (INVITE) at The Research University offer a glimpse into the future of AI in education. INVITE’s mission is to develop AI-based tools that foster noncognitive skills, create inclusive STEM environments, and expand AI education and research encapsulates the holistic approach necessary for education in the AI age. Such endeavors promise a future where education is tailored, equitable, and accessible to all, laying the groundwork for a diverse and inclusive AI-driven educational landscape.

The integration of VR in education is another frontier that’s expanding the horizons of experiential learning. From interactive virtual field trips that traverse time and space to collaborative virtual classrooms that connect students from different continents, VR is transforming the educational experience. It offers a remedy to the isolation of distance learning and a platform for engaging, immersive educational journeys that were once confined to the imagination.

However, the incorporation of AI and VR in education is not without its challenges. It necessitates a paradigm shift from traditional pedagogical methods to those that are adaptive and facilitative. Educators must transition to roles that guide students in navigating and critically assessing AI and VR content. Moreover, it requires infrastructural adaptations to accommodate the technological needs of these advanced tools.

In this AI age, schools must become agile arenas of learning, where technology is not just an add-on but a central pillar of the educational framework. By adopting AI and VR, educators can offer students a dynamic and interactive learning environment that prepares them for the future. We must invest in these technologies and in the training of educators to harness their full potential, ensuring that the benefits of AI and VR in education are not just accessible but also equitably distributed among all students.

The revolution in education calls for Movement Thinking—a philosophy that emphasizes fluidity, inclusivity, and the continuous evolution of teaching methodologies. As educators and institutions, we are not just imparting knowledge but also inspiring a generation to thrive in an AI-integrated world. We are nurturing future innovators, thinkers, and leaders who will wield these tools to solve complex problems and create a more equitable, interconnected, and enlightened society.

Let us then move forward with courage and conviction, embracing the AI revolution with open arms and minds, ready to transform education into an empowering force that transcends boundaries and ignites the boundless potential of every learner.

The future beckons us to learn, innovate, and grow. Together, let’s answer the call.

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