The digital era demands a new set of skills to navigate both the present and the future and to ask us what is being taught at schools, universities, and corporations. The world has had different times of disruption, and we are probably witnessing one of the major changes and challenges as we speak today. Similar to what happened with the Second Industrial Revolution, where human physical labor was replaced with machines, the Fourth Industrial Revolution triggered the replacement of human mental labor with artificial intelligence, coding, automation, and many other digital innovations. To stay competitive in a world where change and uncertainty are the common currencies, human beings need to prepare themselves constantly on skills such as critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, information, technology, and above all, flexibility, leadership, and social readiness.
The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) has led the 21st Century Skills Coalition, a multi-sector partnership that promotes the development and strengthening of transversal skills, that supports to implement a new generation of education and training policies in Latin America and the Caribbean, completely aligned with the needs and demands of education at all levels.
In this issue, we have gathered multiple insights from the Coalition members that are leading projects in the region to reimagine education through a wide spectrum of initiatives. From Video Games to Computational Thinking, from fighting school dropouts to ending discriminatory mindsets, and from Sports as a tool for educate to SmartPhone Filmmaking to develop social and emotional skills for underserved communities in Latin America, you will find food for thought to get inspired and motivated to reply in other parts of the world proven models and experiences that are bringing real change to education.
Enjoy Reading.