Bart Caylor, President & Founder, Caylor Solutions

Bart Caylor, a first-generation student with 35 years of marketing experience, is passionate about K-12 education. As a former owner of a leading Indianapolis digital design firm, he managed campaigns for clients like Motorola and Lexmark. Now leading Caylor Solutions, he focuses on marketing and branding for the education sector. His work, featured in The Chronicle of Higher Education and U.S. News & World Report, has earned him awards such as a Webby and a National Circle of Excellence Award through CASE. A frequent podcast guest and sought-after speaker, he shares on the topics of web design, digital media, AGI, and enrollment marketing. Bart, married with four children, resides in Indiana.


As a higher education marketing specialist with over 35 years of experience, I’ve seen my fair share of technological innovations promising to overhaul education. Yet none have captivated me quite like artificial generative intelligence (AGI). Over the past year since ChatGPT burst onto the scene, I’ve become enthralled by AGI’s immense potential to transform not only the higher education space but K-12 education as well.

In both classroom and administrative settings alike, AGI has evolved from merely an automated assistant to an empowering augmenter of human abilities. It’s enabling the personalization of learning like never before – understanding each student’s strengths and weaknesses to curate customized content accordingly. Rather than replace educators, AGI’s true power lies in enhancing what teachers can already do incredibly well.

Tailoring Learning Pathways

One of AGI’s most exciting applications is using student data analytics to map out personalized learning pathways aligned to their exact needs and interests. By assessing individual skills and knowledge gaps, AGI learning platforms can tailor content difficulty, teaching methods, and even communication styles for optimum resonance and retention with each student.

Gone are the days of “one-size-fits-all” curriculum. Now, schools can leverage AGI to pinpoint the best way to teach specific material to specific students for powerful adaptive learning. Students needing more basic knowledge of fractions receive different lessons and practice problems than those ready for advanced algebra. Young children have short interactive games crafted for their learning preferences, while older students receive longer forms of analytical content.

AGI takes differentiated instruction to the next level for truly personalized education. As Albert Einstein emphasized, “Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.” By adapting to individual thinkers, AGI helps schools achieve this goal.

Re-humanizing Education

Some express fears about AGI diminishing the “human touch” in classrooms. Yet I’ve been amazed at how it actually enables greater human connection. By handling routine administrative tasks and lesson planning, AGI gives educators more bandwidth to focus on building personal mentorship with each student.

The idealized view of “old school” education often glosses over the fact that many students did not receive adequate support and slipped through the cracks. There’s sadly never been a true “good ole days” when it came to universal excellence in education. Yet AGI offers data-driven insights to ensure no student is left behind while freeing up teachers to foster the inspirational “light bulb” moments learning thrives on.

Becoming Lifelong Learners

As science allows people to live longer, students today need to be able to adapt and learn new skills throughout their lives and careers. More than ever, how we teach is as important as what we teach to equip students with nimble, adaptive mentalities.

Here too, AGI delivers, not only personalizing content but also nurturing love for self-driven learning rather than dependencies on rigid instructions. Students feel more engaged and motivated when they have a say in their own learning, with teachers acting as guides.

Helping students learn independently prepares them for an ever-changing job landscape in the years ahead. As high-level knowledge work becomes augmented by AGI itself, human skills like creativity, collaboration, and abstract problem-solving become more crucial than ever. Education must evolve to develop these talents.

Data-Enhanced Teacher Development

Just as AGI builds better student models to target learning gaps, analytically mapping teaching strengths and shortcomings enables more advanced teacher training. By comparing instructional approaches against performance data, AGI can pinpoint personalized improvement areas for educators.

Observational teacher evaluations by administrators only capture a small snapshot, limiting objectivity. AGI can look at lots of real data to evaluate each teacher in-depth. It can analyze things like lesson plans and long-term growth to see what works well. This leads to better training customized to each teacher’s abilities and needs. It’s more helpful than taking generic workshops.

Accelerating Experiential Learning

There remains no replacement for hands-on experiential learning when it comes to really grasping concepts and sparking student talents. Field trips to interactive science museums, building robots in engineering classes, launching student-designed rockets – these memories stick with us for life far more than memorizing facts from textbooks ever could.

Now AGI can not only help quantify the impact of such experiential programs through data analysis of learning outcomes. It’s also broadening access to such experiences through augmented and virtual reality.

Immerse yourself on a field trip, walking through the anatomy of the human heart. Practice medical procedures through mixed reality simulations. Study planets and galaxies up close through VR exploration. Such AGI-powered interactive learning was previously inaccessible for many schools due to the high costs of technology or travel. No longer.

Towards Holistic Intelligence

My optimism about AGI’s potential in education is rooted in a fundamental belief – we are not defined by test scores alone. Beyond academic knowledge, schools nourish everything from creativity, empathy, and ethics to well-being, grit, and interpersonal abilities.

Here too AGI displays promise. From gauging student emotions to providing socio-emotional support to simulating ethical dilemmas in history and literature studies, AGI can foster more holistic development. Most importantly, AGI helps students understand their interests, strengths, and priorities so they can find meaningful careers.

Aligning Education to Our Hopes, Not Just Needs

Often, this debate in education is polarized. Some fear AGI will eliminate jobs, others claim it will magically fix all classrooms.

The reality lives somewhere in between. Technology holds no magic bullet. Improving education depends first and foremost on empowering great teachers. Yet integrated thoughtfully, AGI offers a tremendously potent tool to enhance human potential. Our vision must guide its use towards ethical ends that uplift society.

Students today will inherit immense challenges but also opportunities from climate change to global inequality. With care, foresight, and wisdom, AGI could help schools around the world nurture the values, knowledge, and talents rising generations need to build a better future than the past. There lies its greatest promise.

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